An ethical charter is a document that defines the principles and values guiding the conduct of a profession or organization. In the context of coaching, the ethical charter aims to ensure the respect of clients’ rights and dignity, as well as the quality of the services provided.

The key elements of a coaching ethical charter typically include the following:

  • Respect for the Individual: The coach commits to respecting the dignity, autonomy, and confidentiality of their client.
  • Integrity: The coach commits to acting honestly and fairly in their relationships with the client.
  • Competence: The coach commits to maintaining a high level of skills and knowledge.
  • Responsibility: The coach commits to considering the consequences of their actions and to remedy any harm they may cause.

Here are some examples of rules that might be included in a coaching ethical charter:

  • The coach commits not to abuse their position of authority.
  • The coach commits to respecting the confidentiality of information shared by the client.
  • The coach commits not to discriminate against the client.
  • The coach commits not to offer services that are beyond their competence.

The ethical charter is an important document for coaches, as it helps ensure they act ethically and professionally. It is also valuable for clients, who can refer to it to understand the coach’s commitments.