Training Programs

Tailor-made training programs dedicated to supporting your teams.

I provide courses specifically designed for management, onboarding new positions, and integrating new employees.

I conduct training programs in both French and English.

Through interactive methods such as role-playing, simulations, and participatory activities, I offer creative and impactful training experiences in the form of courses (full-day and/or half-day sessions).


As a certified coach, I trained at the International Coaching Center.

Beyond my accreditations, my primary goal is to support you with confidentiality and compassion, helping you achieve your professional and personal goals and develop your talents.

Individual or group coaching sessions are offered in 60-minute formats, within a course of 5 to 7 sessions.

Process Communication Model

We are all capable of living and interacting positively.


Discover your personality profile for successful relationships and communication.
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